Analysis of Unlikely Event Data,
Pacific Northwest SAS Users Group and SouthEast SAS Users Group Conferences, Seattle, WA and Alexandria, VA, Fall 2011.
Taught a four-hour seminar, using a variety of methods. Prepared the syllabus, a 40-page manuscript and all slides.
Generating Custom-Formatted Excel Output from SAS,
MidWest SAS Users Group, Pacific Northwest SAS Users Group and Western Users of SAS Software Conferences, various cities, Fall 2008 and 2009.
Taught a four-hour seminar, using a variety of methods. Prepared the syllabus, a 40-page manuscript and all slides.
Creating Customized Worksheet Formats with exportToXL,
Pacific Northwest SAS Users Group Conference, Seattle, WA, September 2008.
Gave a 90-minute workshop. Prepared the code, paper, and all working examples.
Probability II (STAT 395) - Accelerated,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Summers 2008 and 2009.
Gave all lectures, wrote up problems and solutions for all homeworks and exams. Conducted active communication with the students via a message board. This course covers in one month what a normal course covers in 10 weeks.
Probability I (STAT 394) - Accelerated,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Summers 2008 and 2009.
Gave all lectures, wrote up problems and solutions for all homeworks and exams. Conducted active communication with the students via a message board. This course covers in one month what a normal course covers in 10 weeks.
University (Teaching Assistant)
Experimental Design (STAT 421), University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, Fall 2003.
Wrote/graded homework and computer lab assignments, taught the lab sessions, tutored the students when needed.
Elements of Statistical Methods (STAT 311),
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Fall 2002 and Summer 2003.
Gave regular review sessions, administered the class website, wrote and distributed supplemental notes for the students, lectured for the professor for a couple weeks.
Case-Based Social Statistics (STAT 321),
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Fall 2001.
Wrote/graded homework assignments, tutored the students when needed.
Middle/High School
Mathematical Excursions, Johns Hopkins University,
Center for Talented Youth, site in Frederick, MD, Summer 2002.
Held class for 40 hours per week for two sessions of three weeks each, to gifted middle- and high-school students. Developed a syllabus and wrote all course materials. Topics included voting systems, apportionment methods, permutations, combinations, counting methods, Hamiltonian circuits, Ramsey theory, graph degree sequences, exponential money growth, bad uses of statistics and polling, quantitative literacy, basic statistics, and fractals. At the conclusion of the course, students had to write and perform skits illustrating what they learned.
Mathematical Reasoning, Johns Hopkins University,
Center for Talented Youth, site in Frederick, MD, August 2000.
Held class for 40 hours per week for three weeks to gifted middle- and high-school students. Developed a syllabus and wrote all course materials. Topics included permutations, combinations, counting methods, Hamiltonian circuits, Ramsey theory, graph degree sequences,
quantitative literacy and cryptography. At the conclusion of the course, students had to write and perform skits illustrating what they learned.
Individually-Paced Mathematics Sequence, Johns Hopkins University,
Center for Talented Youth, site in Clinton, NY, July 2000.
Held class for 40 hours per week for three weeks to gifted high-school students. Individually tutored about 15 high-school students who worked independently to cover a year's worth of high-school algebra, geometry or trigonometry in three weeks.